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The men and women of BYMARO are recognized for their ability to undertake and meet their challenges, for their sense of commitment and their responsibilities. It is their human and professional qualities that have enabled the performance of our company. We have highlighted a special attention to the development of these talents as well as their well-being at work.
Our corporate culture privileged the loyalty of teams so that everyone develops their know-how and technical expertise to serve their customers. BYMARO employees are encouraged to improve their skills through daily challenges.
At the heart of our Human Resources strategy: continuous training, imbued with the richness of the world of cultures on what is completely open. Our great diversity is our strength. This is why the career paths of our employees are the subject of a global reflection, in the future of global best practices.
At BYMARO, our commitment does not stop with the act of building. We believe that solidarity is a strength, especially in a country still undermined by social disparities. For this reason, we have been involved for many years in a number of social actions. We are working to intervene in the regions of Morocco affected by precariousness and facing difficulties of access to development.
In collaboration with several associations and local actors, we take care to develop the economic and social life of the territories in which we operate. We act for many reasons: diversity, health or education by providing financial support but also direct assistance to people through our technical know-how.
For more than fifteen years, BYMARO, with the support of Terre Plurielle, has been working in partnership with Les Enfants de l'Ovale to allow Moroccan teenagers to maintain their schooling by leading sports and educational projects around the world. rugby practice.
Beyond the distribution of school bags and school supplies to school students, BYMARO teams have used their technical know-how to help repair the roof of a classroom, the installation sanitary works, electrical work and the installation of cisterns for the drinking water supply of the school.
BYMARO, has used its technical expertise by participating in the rehabilitation of the hospital (sanitation, electricity, sanitation system) to improve the living conditions of patients.
BYMARO signed in 2016 the first Diversity Charter in Morocco. A way for the company to fight against discrimination of all kinds and to position itself as one of the engines of the promotion of diversity in the country.
The REUSSIR project aims to bring progress in education in peri-urban and rural areas where the most disadvantaged children live with the widespread establishment of quality nursery schools. The project supported with Terre Plurielle, consists in equipping 3 pre-school classes and landscaping gardens in 3 primary schools.
A night of solidarity with the homeless in Casablanca was organized through night maraudes in partnership with the Samu, in order to distribute blankets and hot meals. In parallel, BYMARO regularly accompanies the Samu Social of Casablanca for work plumbing, electrical, waterproofing, sanitary, etc.
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